The Housatonic River runs 140 miles from Pittsfield, MA, through Lee, Great Barrington and many other small communities on its way through Connecticut to the Long Island Sound.
GE and EPA completed work along and in the two miles of river directly south of the former GE plant in Pittsfield, MA. More work is being considered, in an area that starts at the confluence of the eastern and western branches and stretches downstream in what EPA has designated “Rest of River.” The agency has broken up the river into designated areas called “reaches” during its investigation and preparation of work plans. The maps below show the entire Rest of River, the Massachusetts portion, the Connecticut portion, and Reaches 5 and 6. If you click on a map, it will bring up a larger version of the image.
Map of the Rest of River |
Map of the Massachusetts portion |
Map of the Connecticut portion |
Map of Reaches 5 and 6 |