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Revised Corrective Measures Study Report — Submitted October 12, 2010
GE submitted to EPA a Revised Corrective Measures Study Report for the Rest of River. The report evaluates various alternatives for addressing the sediments and floodplain soils in the Rest of River area and for handling sediments or soils removed from the river and floodplain.
Download the full report — including cover letter, executive summary, report text, tables and figures. (5.6 MB) (You can download the report components and appendices separately below.)
Report components:
- Cover letter (PDF 856K)
- List of Acronyms (PDF 33K)
- Executive Summary (PDF 848K)
- Section 1: Introduction (PDF 1.1 MB)
- Section 2: Description of Evaluation Criteria (PDF 266K)
- Section 3: Approach to Evaluating Remedial Alternatives for Sediments/ Erodible
Riverbanks (PDF 27 MB)- Section 4: Approach to Evaluating Remedial Alternatives for Floodplain Soils (PDF 11 MB)
- Section 5: Approach to and Considerations in Evaluating Adverse Impacts from Remedial
Alternatives, Means To Avoid or Minimize Those Impacts, and Potential
Restoration (PDF 590K)- Section 6: Analysis of Remedial Alternatives for Sediments and Riverbanks (PDF 17.1 MB)
- Section 7: Analysis of Remedial Alternatives for Floodplain Soils (PDF 13.5 MB)
- Section 8: Comparative Evaluation of Combinations of Sediment and Floodplain Remedial
Alternatives (PDF 15.3 MB)- Section 9: Detailed Analyses of Alternatives for Treatment and/or Disposition of Removed
Sediments and Soils (PDF 8.3 MB)- Section 10: Combined Cost Estimates (PDF 127K)
- Section 11: Conclusions and Recommendations (PDF 70K)
- Section 12: References (PDF 119K)
- Appendix A Updated Assessment of In Situ Treatment Technologies (PDF 221K)
- Appendix B Evaluation of Rail Transport Option (PDF 86K)
- Appendix C ARARs Tables (PDF 11.8 MB)
- Appendix D Basis for Target Floodplain Soil PCB Concentrations Associated with the IMPGs
for Insectivorous Birds (PDF 778K)- Appendix E Methodology for Developing Target Floodplain Soil PCB Concentrations
Associated with the IMPGs for Mink (PDF 221K)- Appendix F Evaluation of Shear Stress and Need for Over-Excavation for SED 9 (PDF 1 MB)
- Appendix G Riverbank Stabilization Techniques (PDF 4.3 MB)
- Appendix H EPA Memorandum on Methodology for Calculating “Blended” Fish
Concentrations (PDF 119K)- Appendix I Results of Sensitivity Modeling Analyses Relating to Fish (PDF 156K)
- Appendix J Connecticut 1-D Analysis (PDF 987K)
- Appendix K Model Output Graphics (PDF 23.7 MB)
- Appendix L Revised Assessment of MESA Issues for Rare Species Under Remedial
Alternatives (PDF 9.7 MB)- Appendix M Carbon Footprint/Greenhouse Gas Inventory Analysis for Sediment, Floodplain,
and Treatment/Disposition Alternatives (PDF 2.7 MB)- Appendix N Revised Evaluation of Work Site and Transportation Accident Risks (PDF 319K)
- Appendix O BioGenesis Sediment Washing Technology – Bench-Scale Treatability Study
Report (BioGenesis, March 2008) (PDF 4.3 MB)- Appendix P Chemical Extraction Bench-Scale Study Evaluation (PDF 799K)
- Appendix Q Cost Estimate Supporting Information (PDF 221K)
Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives Using Sound Ecological Assumptions — Submitted October 12, 2010
Full report – including report text, tables, figures and attachments. (2.5 MB)
Report components:
- Text of report (PDF 545K)
- Tables (PDF 590K)
- Attachment A (PDF 1.7 MB)
- Attachment B (PDF 963K)
Example Areas Analysis Report — February 2010
- To read the report, click here
Work Plan for Evaluation of Additional Remedial Alternatives — August 2009
Full report – including report text, figures and appendices (PDF 29.6 MB)
Report components:
- Text of report (PDF 19.1 MB)
- Figures (PDF 18.9 MB)
- Appendix A (PDF 8.1 MB)
- Appendix B (PDF 1.1 MB)
- Appendix C (PDF 373K)
Response to EPA’s Interim Comments on CMS Report Housatonic River — Rest of River — March 2009
- Full document (PDF 2.2 MB)